Prior Years Expenditures

(By Major Account Category)

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This bar graph represents total State of Nebraska expenditures by year. To view expenditures by each agency for each major account category, go to the fields below the bar graph and select search options. These expenditures include both funds appropriated by the Legislature and trust fund expenditures that do not require Legislative appropriations.

Fiscal Year End Spending Totals:

$5,800,835,535 $5,800,835,535 $5,800,835,535 $5,800,835,535 $6,058,040,449 $6,058,040,449 $6,058,040,449 $6,058,040,449 $6,582,831,022 $6,582,831,022 $6,582,831,022 $6,582,831,022 $6,807,374,471 $6,807,374,471 $6,807,374,471 $6,807,374,471 $7,104,161,484 $7,104,161,484 $7,104,161,484 $7,104,161,484 $7,495,715,790 $7,495,715,790 $7,495,715,790 $7,495,715,790 $7,975,903,615 $7,975,903,615 $7,975,903,615 $7,975,903,615 $8,164,016,229 $8,164,016,229 $8,164,016,229 $8,164,016,229 $8,711,994,668 $8,711,994,668 $8,711,994,668 $8,711,994,668 $9,136,917,676 $9,136,917,676 $9,136,917,676 $9,136,917,676 $9,590,307,673 $9,590,307,673 $9,590,307,673 $9,590,307,673 $9,802,019,177 $9,802,019,177 $9,802,019,177 $9,802,019,177 $9,877,169,064 $9,877,169,064 $9,877,169,064 $9,877,169,064 $10,162,630,170 $10,162,630,170 $10,162,630,170 $10,162,630,170 $10,449,446,342 $10,449,446,342 $10,449,446,342 $10,449,446,342 $10,980,573,897 $10,980,573,897 $10,980,573,897 $10,980,573,897 $11,609,717,699 $11,609,717,699 $11,609,717,699 $11,609,717,699 $11,865,926,935 $11,865,926,935 $11,865,926,935 $11,865,926,935 $11,947,227,303 $11,947,227,303 $11,947,227,303 $11,947,227,303 $12,048,375,458 $12,048,375,458 $12,048,375,458 $12,048,375,458 $12,854,230,038 $12,854,230,038 $12,854,230,038 $12,854,230,038 $14,904,721,032 $14,904,721,032 $14,904,721,032 $14,904,721,032 $15,306,837,696 $15,306,837,696 $15,306,837,696 $15,306,837,696 $17,207,967,839 $17,207,967,839 $17,207,967,839 $17,207,967,839 $18,479,896,868 $18,479,896,868 $18,479,896,868 $18,479,896,868
Fiscal years ended June 30, 20xx
Expenditures by agency, by major account category for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024
Select any fiscal year from the dropdown menu and hit search to see spending of each state agency. to see spending by each major account category for each agency. For detailed expenditure information by agency, click here
Fiscal Year:
Search Clear Search
78 records ($18,479,896,868)
Abstracters, Board of Examiners $26,423 $14,354 $3,833 $0 $0 $44,610
Accountability and Disclosure Commission $590,879 $159,054 $7,005 $0 $0 $756,938
Administrative Services, Department of $63,145,150 $450,783,840 $210,487 $41,554,889 $288,016 $555,982,382
African American Affairs, Commission on $38,542 $101,827 $1,964 $0 $0 $142,333
Agriculture, Department of $11,033,294 $6,208,143 $674,634 $598,116 $4,900,627 $23,414,814
Agriculture, State Board of $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,472,450 $5,472,450
Arts Council $757,718 $308,286 $15,843 $0 $3,059,596 $4,141,443
Attorney General $12,574,747 $2,505,053 $293,090 $59,506 $0 $15,432,396
Auditor of Public Accounts $5,033,799 $440,136 $7,439 $13,937 $0 $5,495,311
Banking and Finance, Department of $6,333,750 $1,161,508 $313,028 $0 $0 $7,808,286
Barber Examiners, Board of $144,933 $15,500 $2,040 $0 $0 $162,473
Blind and Visually Impaired, Commission for $2,897,934 $1,972,286 $290,630 $377,786 $1,806,825 $7,345,461
Board of Engineers and Architects $538,101 $214,843 $16,303 $0 $0 $769,247
Brand Committee $4,498,549 $689,146 $684,854 $0 $0 $5,872,549
Corn Development, Utilization and Marketing Board $558,999 $7,290,915 $176,605 $0 $0 $8,026,519
Correctional Services, Department of $236,252,621 $146,078,663 $954,065 $24,545,877 $8,331,939 $416,163,165
Criminal Justice, Commission on Law Enforcement and $3,599,477 $6,383,905 $88,883 $1,727,310 $19,804,182 $31,603,757
Dairy Industry Development Board $0 $1,301,615 $612 $0 $0 $1,302,227
Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Commission of the $807,422 $319,721 $50,513 $0 $0 $1,177,656
Dry Bean Commission $70,941 $309,724 $18,400 $0 $0 $399,065
Dry Pea and Lentil Commission $0 $68,262 $2,176 $0 $0 $70,438
Economic Development, Department of $9,386,088 $3,468,422 $334,766 $0 $355,633,157 $368,822,433
Education, State Department of $47,438,170 $63,546,180 $1,490,353 $826,337 $2,335,635,013 $2,448,936,053
Educational Lands and Funds, Board of $2,544,546 $13,524,148 $21,049 $90,250 $0 $16,179,993
Educational Telecommunications Commission $4,480,137 $5,972,453 $213,769 $1,334,767 $210,672 $12,211,798
Electrical Board $1,664,048 $164,206 $261,517 $38,000 $0 $2,127,771
Energy Agency $20,895,705 $17,883,783 $560,118 $507,065 $195,262,610 $235,109,281
Equal Opportunity Commission $1,849,177 $295,836 $20,749 $3,403 $0 $2,169,165
Ethanol Board $421,342 $236,628 $28,820 $0 $0 $686,790
Fire Marshal, State $5,847,762 $1,277,097 $551,697 $0 $194,267 $7,870,823
Foster Care Review Board, State $2,564,449 $216,654 $21,862 $3,125 $500,000 $3,306,090
Game and Parks Commission $49,499,793 $42,987,019 $751,027 $18,767,255 $23,275,739 $135,280,833
Geologists, Board of $0 $24,865 $8,342 $0 $0 $33,207
Governor $1,682,116 $233,262 $57,729 $0 $0 $1,973,107
Health and Human Services System $384,715,871 $319,435,150 $3,829,346 $1,545,657 $5,005,549,411 $5,715,075,435
Historical Society, Nebraska State $4,497,902 $2,834,994 $126,126 $223,469 $211,841 $7,894,332
Indian Affiars, Commission on $236,646 $36,716 $3,448 $2,515 $40,319 $319,644
Industrial Relations, Commission of $237,200 $32,812 $986 $0 $0 $270,998
Insurance, Department of $8,277,145 $16,086,229 $245,438 $41,097 $451,352 $25,101,261
Investment Council, Nebraska $1,797,027 $1,280,762 $13,611 $0 $0 $3,091,400
Labor, Department of $21,585,049 $9,680,760 $264,321 $208,255 $16,290,584 $48,028,969
Land Surveyors, State Board of Examiners for $0 $16,805 $1,727 $0 $0 $18,532
Landscape Architects, State Board of $0 $21,250 $2,747 $0 $0 $23,997
Legislative Council $20,704,969 $2,246,798 $669,339 $75,397 $0 $23,696,503
Library Commission $3,168,028 $846,730 $24,551 $29,441 $2,124,724 $6,193,474
Lieutenant Governor $107,552 $6,382 $3,779 $0 $0 $117,713
Liquor Control Commission $1,197,683 $2,030,192 $14,342 $11,250 $0 $3,253,467
Mexican-Americans, Commission on $201,848 $68,344 $16,930 $0 $0 $287,122
Military, Department of $15,054,522 $67,569,006 $1,412,187 $1,924,134 $176,601,901 $262,561,750
Motor Vehicle Industry Licensing Board $626,796 $96,975 $37,202 $428 $0 $761,401
Motor Vehicles, Department of $13,664,752 $22,096,244 $444,774 $1,417,607 $51,112 $37,674,489
Natural Resources, Department of $10,050,840 $11,300,451 $371,277 $185,574 $41,454,969 $63,363,111
Oil and Gas Conservation Commission $1,016,138 $8,727,304 $25,735 $8,500 $0 $9,777,677
Pardons, Board of $6,331,431 $5,140,688 $295,680 $0 $0 $11,767,799
Postsecondary Education, Coordinating Commission for $1,132,653 $281,668 $25,701 $0 $64,811,831 $66,251,853
Power Review Board $357,818 $220,848 $11,043 $0 $0 $589,709
Public Accountancy, Nebraska State Board of $285,438 $85,216 $28,015 $0 $0 $398,669
Public Advocacy, Commission on $1,093,524 $185,668 $37,708 $27,887 $2,111,259 $3,456,046
Public Service Commission $5,239,012 $3,137,874 $130,752 $144,326 $84,596,804 $93,248,768
Racing Commission, State $2,271,075 $987,646 $148,240 $52,969 $61,408 $3,521,338
Real Estate Appraiser Board $287,109 $83,021 $11,742 $0 $0 $381,872
Real Estate Commission, State $840,551 $492,094 $40,806 $4,469 $0 $1,377,920
Retirement Systems, Public Employees $3,854,136 $1,473,897,683 $26,405 $0 $60,972,169 $1,538,750,393
Revenue, Department of $29,770,555 $74,207,511 $229,244 $578,853 $535,671,372 $640,457,535
Secretary of State $3,568,442 $6,753,686 $107,359 $46,740 $74,210 $10,550,437
State Colleges $86,966,152 $42,763,470 $3,696,666 $10,163,431 $56,008,698 $199,598,417
State Patrol $80,304,421 $26,688,844 $743,131 $11,027,870 $979,147 $119,743,413
State Treasurer $3,523,237 $22,275,761 $39,351 $82,799 $32,117,019 $58,038,167
Supreme Court $150,482,864 $93,028,414 $2,589,498 $903,150 $860,226 $247,864,152
Tax Equalization and Review Commission $1,054,730 $117,175 $55,640 $1,578 $0 $1,229,123
Technical Community Colleges $0 $0 $0 $0 $116,939,172 $116,939,172
Tourism Commission $975,194 $7,853,441 $86,026 $0 $670,316 $9,584,977
Transportation, Department of $172,030,820 $225,027,134 $1,171,496 $717,619,791 $166,916,283 $1,282,765,524
University of Nebraska $1,609,110,731 $948,803,822 $46,301,896 $367,992,989 $465,556,921 $3,437,766,359
Veterans Affairs, Department of $58,597,033 $22,238,257 $499,104 $7,236,159 $5,224,582 $93,795,135
Wheat Development, Utilization and Marketing Board $248,223 $1,312,266 $54,839 $0 $0 $1,615,328
Workers Compensation Court $4,565,109 $1,372,800 $22,184 $1,068 $322,431 $6,283,592
TOTAL $3,207,270,840 $4,197,572,032 $72,003,816 $1,212,005,026 $9,791,045,154 $18,479,896,868